
Showing posts from 2019

Fires, and Debates, are Raging

There are fires raging over much of Australia right now, triggering debate on the contribution of climate change to our current unseasonable weather. This has also led to well-meaning people reposting articles from the climate denial industry. I thought I'd record a summary of my responses for posterity. That the earth is getting warmer is a fact.* See the graph here . There are two main possible reasons the earth is getting warmer. 1) more sunlight is coming in or 2) more heat is being trapped. Option One isn’t true – solar activity has been carefully measured. See graph here . **  This leaves us with Option Two. The earth is getting warmer because more heat is being trapped in the atmosphere. But why is it so? There are several so-called greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that can trap heat (this is called ‘forcing’). Carbon dioxide, water, methane, and CFCs are among the known greenhouse gases .  Of these, carbon dioxide has the biggest impact on wa

Toward Emotional Freedom

A six-year-old boy called Nathan asks his father why his mum is crying. “Because you boys have been naughty” the father responds, referring to the boy and his younger brother. Nathan immediately feels terrible that his behaviour has caused his mother such distress. Somehow the message goes deep into his soul that he is responsible for the feelings of others. He must NEVER behave in a way that will upset others like that! Decades later, Nathan is a pastor. He feels significant anxiety when others disapprove of his words or actions, especially if they are older, respected figures. Nathan still carries an inner six-year-old who feels distressed if parental archetypes are displeased with him. Pastor Nathan is self-aware enough to realise his anxiety about pleasing others is holding him back as a leader. How might you address these kinds of deep-seated emotional responses? As Nathan’s coach I asked: “when did you first feel like you were responsible for other’s fe